
Monday, June 24, 2013

Groupthink. The good kind.

Hi, all. It's been a while, in a good way. I think we have all enjoyed the break between the final round of chemo and the next step of surgery on Saturday the 29th. While we like to joke that we have to give Eddie whatever he wants because he has cancer, it has also been nice to spend some time forgetting about sickness and treatment. But, time passes. As much as we wish it weren't so, we know that the surgery is a necessary part of recovery.
We are writing to let you know and to ask you to think good wishes for us. My dad loves hearing from all of you, so anyone who wants to comment here or write him a note is really encouraged to do so. 
Our mom is also inviting all his friends and family who are so inclined to share in a meditation for his surgery and complete recovery on Wednesday the 26th, from 9pm to 10pm Eastern. In her words: 
Our joining together multiplies manyfold the power of our intentions. You can join us at any point in that window; or you can do it individually if that is better for you, or again at the time of the surgery from 8am to 1pm.
I'll plan to post an update here later in the day on Saturday, once he is out and in the recovery unit, or early on Sunday. 

Thank you, always, for all of your warm wishes and support. They keep us buoyed.


  1. I will be avidly attending the meditation in spirit on the day of the surgery. I will not be worrying. Here is a quote someone just shared with me: "We are always worried about what's going to happen. Instead of worrying about what is going to happen, the more important concern might be: are we capable of meeting whatever happens with ingenuity, creativity, maturity and forbearance- and maybe even a little bit of acceptance?... You don't get prepared by worrying about the future; you get prepared by handling your practice and your development as a human being now." A hard lesson for a person facing something major like surgery, and for his family, but I believe the wisdom of it in my heart, and offer it for what it's worth.

  2. From Brother Robert:
    Well, I think Eddie is getting too much attention.

    It isn't enough that he has this huge circle of friends and family wishing him well, loving him, thinking of him, praying for him, all of us wanting part of the Eddie action. Really, I'm worried about the kid. I see a kind of Leary-cum-Ram Dass cult developing here. Maybe an Eddiepuram movement developing in upstate Pennsylvania.

    But really folks, if we meditate on wellness for Eddie and -- as Murray suggests, the whole world -- well ... what next? World peace? An Arab-Jew love fest -- hey, we're all Semites here, right?

    Sure, my little bro will be immobilized for a while, but don't think he won't be mind-thinking and directing us in a photo shoot. "Could you move a little to the right?"

    I'm not saying it's a bad thing. He's well-intentioned, God knows. He's got that "I love life. I love you all. Let's join hands and dance in a circle" thing going. I'm not saying it's bad. But it can be too much of a good thing.

    Really, when I was there last month and we hugged, I thought: Man of Steel!. He's Clark Kent on the Upper West Side. He led me and brother Don through the city kicking metaphorical dust in our face the whole way.

    So I say to him, sure, you can be the all-time healthiest Memorial Sloan Kettering patient. Ever. In history. Go on. You'll probably do it. Just take it easy. With much love from your older bro!

    See you soon. And thinking of you in the meantime.

    1. So sly and so funny, bro. Your humor warms my heart.

  3. Michael Pruitt-BruunJune 28, 2013 at 6:57 AM

    more love and respect, Eddie. i hope you feel as much strength and faith as the rest of us find in you.

  4. I will be praying for the best possible results. Bon courage, dear friend! Love from all the Ruckers, Sylvia

  5. Everyone at The Constitution Project is thinking of you, Eddie. You're in our hearts and minds and we all wish you the best and a speedy recovery.

  6. Holding my breath today - or rather, breathing for you - until I see you next.
    What is the address for sending small offerings? I'm sending a large flat screen TV and the entire TCM catalog.
    Much Love, Mark, Nora and John
