
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"Their thoroughness is remarkable."

Today my mom and dad met with several urologic specialists, including Dr. Dalbagni, at Memorial Sloan Kettering. I think my dad felt very understood by them, and took great comfort in their expertise. Tomorrow my mom will pick up the photo CD of my dad's CT scan (which initially revealed the tumor a few weeks ago). On Friday he will have a second exam to attempt to determine whether the tumor is attached to any other organs. And on March 7th he'll have a PET scan to determine whether it has metastasized, so we expect to know much more after that.

The plan is to have him begin chemotherapy on March 12th, with three days of chemo followed by eighteen days off. The entire round of chemo will last approximately three months. At that point they will operate, probably to remove the whole bladder. At MSK, they do not recommend radiation to treat these types of tumors.

In my dad's words: "My overall feeling is that I went to the right hospital. Their thoroughness is remarkable."


  1. Dear all, what a lovely way to stay in touch and be updated. I can just hear Eddie saying this. We're sending lots of love and positive thoughts.

    Hugs, Nina and Pavel

  2. My heart is with you and I understand the pain that you all are going through.

  3. Thank you all so much for creating this point of connection - it means a lot to be able to keep up to date and stay close to you in this journey.

  4. Dear Marritzes, our thoughts are with you. We hope Eddie feels better soon. Please keep the blog updated. Much love from Frankfurt. Petra & Jirka

    1. Dear Petra and Jirka, it's been a rude awakening,the proverbial news you don't want to hear. It takes days to sink in, and much energy is wasted in emotional resistance. So, now that I have a media all team in place ( a seemingly great, thorough , expert, sensitive team) it's my time to get well. Hana, Ilya, Leda, Murray, Paul, David and a chorus of others have given me love and the strength to go forward. Much love to you for your caring words. More news to come. I admit, I'd appreciate some good new for a Chang.

  5. I worked today! What a great feeling to be out in the world and less self obsessed, doing what I love to do. I'm keeping my current condition to myself in the work place. I don't want to make shoots about me. It's my opportunity to perform with intelligence, aesthetics and strength. These days, I see that's a gift I may have underestimated. Moments have never been more precious.
    So, please continue to be in touch. Your voices move me, and that movement, that stirring lifts my spirits.

  6. In life, as I learned with Michael, when faced with such a challenge, going about one's business is the best and only past. With the brush I had with cancer, unlike anything you are facing, still...just going to work, seeing friends, going about one's business was the best therapy at the time. If you want company during chemo, just let me know and if I can do ANYTHING in the world for you and Hana, you have to let me know.
    Michele Urvater

  7. I am very bad at reading before posting...I meant best and only path!

  8. Thanks, Michele. You may well hear from me/us. Meanwhile, my surgeon is taking another look/see tomorrow; sort of like an explorer. PET scan coming on 3/7.
