
Friday, March 1, 2013

Knights Templar in the Waiting Room

Today we finally got some good news. After a brief procedure at Sloan Kettering that required twilight anesthesia (mild sedation), Dr. Dalbagni informed us that the exterior of the bladder has not attached to any tissue/organs. He then said, "On with Chemo." That was it. He is a man of few words (he is a surgeon).

My dad left the hospital today feeling pretty good. His opening line on the phone when we spoke was, "Twilight anesthesia is the BEST!"

It's small, yes. But it's the only piece of good news we've had this week, and we're all grateful for it.

This was after my mom and dad were delayed by over two hours because another operation went late. But two hours feels OK, retrospectively, when you get the news you were hoping for. My mom stayed with my dad and read to him about the Knights Templar to pass the time. As in previous visits, the MSK staff were unfailingly personable and polite. So much so that even my dad eventually wished they would just let him read in peace, another good sign. Next up is the PET scan on March 7th. My folks head up the dacha with Bruna tomorrow morning.

I am trying to actually take everything a day at a time, and not just fake it, which it what I normally do. This is something my parents have been counseling me to do for a long time, and it feels like it's finally taking. Although I am personally eager for answers and definitiveness, I'm focusing on the fact that my dad doesn't feel sick, he is himself, he always will be. We have another week and a half before chemo starts, and, since it's likely it will leave him feeling a bit fatigued, I want him and all of us to try to enjoy it.


  1. That's terrific news, that there are no adhesions. Twilight anesthesia -- yes, why not enjoy the legal drugs whenever offered!

    I want to congratulate Miss Day-At-A-Time for her recognition of the power of staying in the now. (I think Eddie does this completely naturally.) Here's to the upcoming nature fix in Pennsylvania. Time to store up a supply for later.

  2. What wonderful news! Eddie, why the Knights Templar? A curious reader wants to know.
    Thinking of you all and sending love,

  3. Dear Sonny,
    So nice to hear from you. You know, Hana is fascinated by history and right now The Knights Templar are getting her attention. She went to Malta last year on a guided trip with an author, Freddy Silva, who knows a lot about KT. She's very interested in going to Portugal this year to learn more. As I was waiting for my procedure, I asked her to read me a few pages.
    Please stay in touch, by the way. I'm taking in all the kind, loving voices I can. Eddie

  4. Hi Eddie, Leda, Hana, Ilya,

    We heard the news and are thinking of you all, and pulling for you, Eddie!! Sending some healing vibes your way from snowy Wisconsin. (Just heard Garrison Keillor extoling the ol' twilight anesthesia on his show. Having elders who weathered the 60s/70s is a fine thing.)

    Much love from Georgia and Courtney (and kids!)

  5. Great to hear your collective voices from the fresh frozen North. Thanks for checking in! Love,

  6. It was good to talk to you, dear Eddie, and to hear you sounding so much like your usual self, though of course who else would you sound like?! We are hoping for encouraging results from this test and thinking of you and Hana with lots of love, Sylvia

  7. Dear Eddie, So happy to hear this news, and hoping for equally good news today. Lots of love coming from the west coast to all of you! Danielle
