
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Chemo: Round Three Done!

Before I launch into my account of Chemo: Round 3, I wanted everyone to know how much your care, support, and love mean to me. Your calls and emails arouse a sense of possibility and courage, which, in turn arouse courage and strength within me. I’m accepting and embracing the good vibrations from you well-wishers, so your willingness to be with this, to be with me in this, is deeply appreciated.  I stay present, and staying present in this current situation, not wandering too far into the past or the future, keeps me calm and focused on getting well.

Round 3 of chemo went smoothly. Before the infusions began, my Oncologist, Dr. Dean Bajorin at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, read my vital signs, paying close attention to my white blood cell count and platelets, among other things. I’m handling the chemo very well.  I look good, too, what with the healthy glow the steroids in the chemo give my complexion. I admit I don’t like losing my already thin gray hair. The chemo is designed to kill small, fast growing cells, and that’s what hair is.

This week, I had the great pleasure of Leda and Tim visiting from San Francisco. Also, it was wonderful to have visits from Ilya, Murray, and Amanda Watts. There was a light atmosphere in Chemo Room #12 today, thanks to them.

As with much in this process, I’m called on to learn, adapt, ask questions, and trust.
I will get through this.  So, for all the love I’ve been receiving, all the rich conversations I’ve been having, I’m grateful beyond words. All heart.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Round Two: Over

Round two of chemo ended yesterday. Apparently when you go in the nurses map the veins on the back of your hands like cartographers. The second round was pretty much the same as the first one, except that the feelings of tiredness have come on a little quicker this time. The hiccups are also back, but hopefully will be gone within a day or two, like they were last time. My dad is feeling OK, but taking things easy.

My dad's middle brother, Don, came up from Gettysburg, PA, last night to spend the weekend with him in New York. It's unusual, maybe unprecedented, for them to have a weekend to spend only with each other, so it's actually quite special. They kicked it off with chemo (such excitement!) and then stopped by the Container Store and Tip Top Shoes.

They have Bruna with them. It's like two men and a little lady (the movie, with those of you with kids born in the '80s). Tonight they're seeing Ilya and Don's daughter, Amelia,who is in New York interviewing for a prestigious law school scholarship to NYU.

My dad's hair is starting to fall out, which he doesn't like, but seems to have accepted ("big deal").  His friend Nadiya told him, "this is all part of your shaman's journey."

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How to comment on a blog post

I've heard from a few different people that they've had trouble commenting on posts, so this is a quick explanation of how to do that.

First, scroll to the bottom of the post. In a gray bar (see below), you will see either "No comments" or "[x] comments" - click on that.

A comment box will then appear, like the one shown below. Enter your comment.

Select who you want to comment as from the drop-down menu - I recommend picking Name/URL as the easiest option. Fill in your name as prompted (no need to fill in a URL).

Click publish.

You will then be shown an image of garbled letters and numbers. Enter them in the box below to prove that you are not a robot, and click submit.

You're done! Thank you for commenting; we all love hearing from you.