
Saturday, May 25, 2013

CT Scan Results

Hi, everyone. We got some really good news this week, which is that my dad's CT scan was pronounced "terrific" by his oncologist, meaning no metastatic activity (their words). Cancer valedictorian?

My dad, mom, and Uncle Robert all went to the appointment to review the results, which also included the surgeon, Dr. Dalbagni. All three got a chance to ask their questions and were told the options. Dr. Dalbagni and Dr. Bajorin were both unequivocal in their support for entire removal of his bladder and reconstruction of a new one, presuming everything is what they expect when they open him up. Recurrence of this cancer is very common if the bladder is not removed, and recurrences are very, very difficult to treat successfully.

We are all feeling very heartened by this news and met today to talk about planning for the surgery, which has been scheduled for June 29th. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Chemo, Finito

Before Eddie got cancer, I didn't really understand what chemo was. Technically, I knew that powerful chemicals were involved. But I had no clear picture of exactly how these chemicals got into the body, or why the word "chemo" invariably makes people shudder.

Now I know it's just an IV conducting clear liquids into the patient's bloodstream. When a person gets chemo at MSK, they and their guests are entitled to free tea and coffee, and unlimited honey graham crackers. The staff are astonishingly kind and upbeat, NOT in an I-actually-feel-sorry-for-you way. In some sense, chemo is not as bad as you may have heard.

In other ways, it's pretty rotten. A few days after chemo, the dreaded chemicals make Eddie sluggish and despairing. Saturdays seem to always be the worst, with his spirits brightening again by Sunday or Monday. So whether you believe in good vibes or not, please send him some this weekend!

We're only beginning to learn about the next steps, including bladder surgery. Of course we'll keep you posted as we learn more.

Meanwhile, raise a glass of whatever you happen to be drinking, and let's toast Eddie for completing the final round of chemo. A few missing hairs notwithstanding, You look great!

Aaron Hicklin (l.), Eddie (r.)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The fourth and final round

Today was the first day of the fourth and final round of chemo. Even though surgery - and a new way of life - is next, this still comes as a relief. Aside from some tiredness directly after the chemo is over, my dad's energy and spirits have been very good throughout the whole process. He feels like himself.

My dad's oldest brother, Robert, is in New York visiting through the middle of next week. (Their middle brother, Don, was also visiting this past weekend. Bromance.) Robert will actually stay for the CAT scan on Monday, to determine whether the cancer hasn't spread elsewhere, and the follow-up appointment with the oncologist (Dr. Bajorin) and the surgeon (Dr. Dalbagni) on Tuesday. We're assuming they'll give their assessment of how the four rounds of chemo went, and what the likely prognosis is.

After the CAT scan, and pending the surgeon's schedule, we expect to have a date for the surgery - likely sometime in late June from what we understand.

In other news, a documentary film that my dad filmed about Ricky Jay called Deceptive Practice recently opened in theaters!