
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The fourth and final round

Today was the first day of the fourth and final round of chemo. Even though surgery - and a new way of life - is next, this still comes as a relief. Aside from some tiredness directly after the chemo is over, my dad's energy and spirits have been very good throughout the whole process. He feels like himself.

My dad's oldest brother, Robert, is in New York visiting through the middle of next week. (Their middle brother, Don, was also visiting this past weekend. Bromance.) Robert will actually stay for the CAT scan on Monday, to determine whether the cancer hasn't spread elsewhere, and the follow-up appointment with the oncologist (Dr. Bajorin) and the surgeon (Dr. Dalbagni) on Tuesday. We're assuming they'll give their assessment of how the four rounds of chemo went, and what the likely prognosis is.

After the CAT scan, and pending the surgeon's schedule, we expect to have a date for the surgery - likely sometime in late June from what we understand.

In other news, a documentary film that my dad filmed about Ricky Jay called Deceptive Practice recently opened in theaters! 


  1. A fine bromance...One morning, we took turns reading a story that our mother wrote about a car trip we took, when Robert went off to college...she wrote it by dictating it, word by halting word, hobbled by her MS (or whatever it was, I don't think they ever really pinned it down) to our Portuguese's a masterpiece, one of our most valuable family possessions...It took us--tearfully, happily, confusedly, clearly--deep into our past. /s/ Middle Brother

    1. I'm so glad I was there for that reading: glad to have be there then, in 1956 and so glad to be here NOW in 2013
      All love.

  2. Michael Pruitt-BruunMay 15, 2013 at 4:33 AM

    this may seem an odd word to use, but i'm going to assume that will be understood in its proper context;

    Congratulations! dear Eddie, on the completion of Round Four. this concludes your tour of Chemotherapyland. i'm glad that part is over, and i can't think of a better moment to note the love and admiration i share with your many fans and supporters. i really enjoyed seeing you last week.

    1. Dear Michael,
      Your love and admiration is SO gratefully received and reflected back to you. I'm glad to have you and your voice and presence on The Great Wagon.

  3. So glad to hear this phase is over and hoping for encouraging news next week. We are thinking of you with love, Sylvia

    1. Dear Sylvia and Rudy,
      Your thoughts, your love and support continue to mean so much to me! Last chemo tomorrow!!

  4. Good that this phase is over but I know a very hard part is to come. I think of you every day. Much love and good karma your way. Michele

  5. This is a big milestone!

    I also wanted to say that I really enjoyed Deceptive Practice-- what a fascinating story about an obsessive and talented man (not to mention beautifully filmed!).

    I'm thinking of you.

    Much love,
