
Thursday, July 4, 2013


Happy July 4th everyone. Eddie came home today. Fitting that he would be released from the hospital on the anniversary of the country's independence. Wheee!

We are relieved to have him home, as is he. We've got two giant bags of supplies for home care of his apparatuses, and a visiting nurse will come every one to three days, starting tomorrow. His next appointment with his surgeon is on Monday, when his stents will be removed. This is all very good news, but of course it's not all fireworks and celebrating around here - there is a lot of rest and recovery ahead. So: onward.

Enjoy the hot holiday. We will write again soon.


  1. Welcome home, Eddie! We're glad you are back in a more harmonious environment. Good luck with the days and weeks ahead. Hoping you have have a relaxing Fourth.

    Love, Ed and Patty

  2. Sending you lots of love xxxx Natalie
