
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Seven and Three Quarters Inches

That's the length of Eddie's new scar, extending roughly due south from his bellybutton. The staples came out today, and the doctors say Eddie's abdomen is healing nicely.

I saw him today for the first time since July 4th (Aaron and I were traveling in the UK). The atmosphere at home was cheerful, and there are good reasons for it.

For one, Bruna (the dog) is back home, and a new inducement for Eddie to do all the walking the docs are recommending.

Even more important, preliminary pathology on the tissue removed in Eddie's surgery shows no residual tumor.

So - lots to celebrate!


  1. Eddie-- you're looking great! I'm so relieved that you seem to be healing well and have no residual tumor.

    much love,

    1. Thanks, friends! All encouragement is gratefully received. Much love,E

  2. What a handsome couple! We're so happy to hear the encouraging news. Good to know you've got your personal trainer (Bruna) to help with the convalescence. Love, Sylvia & co.

    1. Hey,
      We're making progress, little by little, day by day. In fact, we're heading up to the woods on Thursday for a few days. Your encouragement and love are gratefully received and reflected back to you. Love, Eddie

  3. Eddie and Hana:

    Thanks for the note.
    Glad you are home with family and canines as well.
    Hope it is not too hot/humid in NY for long walks.

    Will communicate with brother Glenn.

    Perhaps a relaxing vacation in beautiful CO is in your future?
    Would love to have you.

    Don and Jill

    1. Don and Jill, Please tune Glenn into this blog. Having family and friends show up and support me through this passage has made a huge difference and been a great piece of learning for me about 'showing up.' Much love,
