
Monday, September 16, 2013

Update from the man himself

Tonight, an update straight from my Pops!

It’s time. I feel like I’m approaching and passing a roadside marker. I’ve begun to call friends and clients to tell them that I’m beginning to feel like myself again. It’s less than three months since the surgery, not to mention the two infections I’ve overcome, and I feel my stride getting steadily stronger. Right now, I want  to book single day shoots and build from there.  And- voila! -  there are some already appearing on my calendar. Amazing! 

I’ve been told to expect a 3-6 month recovery period, and this seems right. In fact, most folks I’ve spoken with about their Neo Bladder surgery, have told me to not to expect full recovery for one year. While that seems right enough, I’m so glad to be gaining back my strength and most of the weight I lost during the chemo, the surgery and the recovery.


  1. You look amazing. Thanks for the updates. It is so wonderful to hear from you directly!! I'm glad you are starting to feel yourself. Good thoughts of continued recovery coming your way.
    All the best, Rebecca

    1. Thanks, Rebecca. It's been a most gradual, patience demanding part of my life. Your words make it so much better.xoe

  2. He didn't even mention his hair, so long that he's had to "take a haircut" (as they some in some parts of NYC).

    1. It's so much easier to recognize myself, even without a mirror.

  3. What a great update! This is so wonderful to hear. Thanks so much for sharing and keeping us up to date.

    much love,

    1. Dear Steph,
      I'm up in the wood for a few days. The winds are wild up in the tree tops ( up there the leaves almost crackle or roar), but only a few are letting go, creating a most pleasing flutter on their way to earth. I do some physically strenuous activity, and then I take a break. Your encouragement continues to be a lift.

  4. Lookin' good, Eddie, and hairy! So glad to hear you're back to fighting weight and starting to work again. Love, Sylvia

    1. It's a good feeling, Sylvia, albeit verrry gradual. It's possible I'm coming out of this with a more attractive ( if that's even possible) head of hair. Love to you both, Eddie
